Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday - Day 10

I lost my temper today.

As of right now I have one child in my bed watching TV with an injured back and one in her room doing a forced cry.

It's been a lovely morning, can you tell?


Zoe decided to jump on Emma's bed and ended up landing right on her tail bone... Which made her whole back crack and an instant pain shrill happened. Something I hope to never hear again.

Emma's mad at me because I won't let her talk over me while she's on time out. Life's hard I know, but honestly, DON'T TALK OVER ME!


Okay... Better. Moving on... I did get a text from Tyler this morning, 4:45am... I guess he got busy and wasn't able to text us back.... So the girls never did talk to him last night (which I'm paying for today, does it show??!).... I went to bed after a few texts back and forth and now I'm paying for the late night. Cranky kids + tired Mommy = Bad day.

Hopefully things will get better. I did manage to remember to put the garbage out before bed last night! Whoo hooo! *L* We have no major plans today.... Maybe just naps and chilling time.... Will write more later!

4:01pm update:

Okay so... Emma has napped, Zoe played with the cats in her room (even set up a water drinking station in her room!)... I on the other hand watched an episode of ER that I had never seen before (which is amazing!) and took a shower.... Emma came in to ask if she and Zoe could play together until I got out, and boy was she in a much better mood! Yay naps!

Now the girls are cleaning their rooms, well run over to Safeway to grab buns (Emma's awesome, when I asked her what she'd like for dinner she said 'do we have beans??!'... Yes -thinking green beans- then she asked if we had hot dogs.... Hummm.... She wants Pork and Beans! *LOL* Awesome!)....

Then we'll come home and give Daddy a much needed phone call! Afterwards I'll make dinner while the girls play outside with chalk, we'll eat and the girls will have a shower.... Then it's nail and hair time! I promised to french braid Emma's hair and paint all of the girls nails! *L*

So here's to hoping my next post doesn't include a photo of me missing hair from being ripped out! ;P

1 comment:

  1. Whew! OK, I read a blog here and there this morning, took a break to go to the water park (yay), and then I just finished reading them now (my mom was kind enough to keep Juliet tonight as I'm soooooo exhausted. She's been waking up SO early lately and Kevin is working days & nights, and has been for the past 1.5 weeks! He was given the chance to pick up night shifts at his 2nd job and he took ALL the available shifts! So now he's working 12pm-8pm at his day job then 9pm-9am at the night job. This goes on until Friday. So basically it means I'm all alone with the baby AND I'm on the hook for making sure he has breakfast for when he gets home, lunch packed AND a dinner ready when he gets home. I know I can't complain given what you're up against, but between a baby who wakes up before dawn, the house to clean (suddenly we have a house and it must be cleaned...ack!) and everything else we already had planned...i'm EXHAUSTED!!!!!!

    Anyways, back to YOU. About your blogs. YOU ARE DOING AMAZINGLY WELL!!!!!!! Look at you go! I love your positive attitude and I love learning more about E and Z's personalities through your blogs. Can't wait to meet them in person. Are you still thinking about coming out here in the fall? We're still planning to come out west next summer!!!

    Keep blogging, I love keeping up with your life. It's been hard to keep up via facebook lately since life is so busy, so this is great!!!!

    Let's see, he's gone 22 days, so you've only got 12 to go. That's less than 2 weeks! Eeeek!
